Hans Christian Adzer Justensen

Nielsine Madsen og Hans Christian Adzer Justensen.
About Hans Christian Adzer, we know something more:
Hans Christian Adzer was lessee of farm Østergård i Fjellerup.
This farm is rebuild on Frilandsmuseet in Lyngby as nr.25.

Fjellerup Hovedgård
On a table in front of the farm is written:
The farm was up to 1750 owned of the Scheels family.
In 1889 bought Lord-in-Waiting Iuell from the estate Mejlgård farmen.
From 1900 - 1920 the farm was rent out to Hans Christian Adzer Justensen.
In 1950 the farm was an estatepension.
He was married with Nielsine Madsen.
She was maid on Østergård, but moved out when she was engaged to Adzer but returned
after she was
married as lady.
The family got 3 children:
1. Ellen.
1. Margrethe.
3. Anna.

The 3 sisters
Anna wrote a cookery-book which you will find in the farm mentioned below.
The furniture at the farm are the originals as Margrethe will the furniture to

At the top of the terrace Marie Justensen (sister of Adzer).
Azer and Nielsine and
the 3 children.
Here are some pictures of the farm inside:

A postcard to Ellen Justensen, 21-3-1918
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