Daniel Martinus Hendrikus Bolten
XIVA. Daniel Martinus Hendrikus Bolten was born 21.04.1841 in Haag and died 11.05.1917 in Haag.
Daniel is son of Daniel Johannes Jacobus Bolten and Henrika Louise Overdijk.
He was married 4.05.1870 in Haag with Adriana Frederica Otten, born 23.02.1843 or 23.12.1844) in Elshout and died 16.04.1921 in Haag. She was daughter of
Gerardus Johannes Otten and Juliana Christina Beckers.
Daniel was musician and had lessons from Duckler of the later Royal Military orchestra.
1.05.1869-1.12.1870 cornetist by the army.
Onto 31.03.1876 by the army
1.01.1878 2. conductor and cornetist with an year fee of 120 guilders and as so the best payed musician.
1.01.18?? 1. conductor with an year fee of 600 guilders.
29.10.1894 by Royal decision nr. 34 he got the military honours medal for xx years loyality.
27.08.1904 by Royal decision nr. 2 he got the honours medal of Oranje Nassau.
He was boardmember of the musicians pensionfoundation.
He also organized different musicparts of Massenet: Ouverture Verdre.
The family got 9 children:
- Daniel Gerardus Johannes XVA..
- Gerard Christiaan XVB.
- Maria Christina, born 18.03.1874 and died 10.11.1875 in Haag.
- Adriana Frederika, born 20.07.1875 and died 17.08.1875 in Haag.
- Christina Adriana (Stien), born 19.08.1876 in Haag and died 17.03.1913 in Haag.
She was married 12.05.1909 with Jan Peter Antonius van der Wiel, born 21.021883 an died
14.01.1945. He was Post-director in Haag.
- 6. Ernst Hendrik (Edde), born 28.08.1877 in Haag and died 13.12.1963 in Haag.
From 1903-1913 he was working as a planter on the plantation of a friend on Nassi Bëe, an island
near Madagaskar. He had written a brochure about the Cocosculture on Madagaskar.
Here it is mentioned that the harvest of a cocospalm can be used after 8-10 years.
The brochure was read by mr. Ruys and so Ernst was placed as a planter on a plantation in East-Java,
but soon he left the plantation and was working as post and telegraph clerc.
He was married 26.07.1904 at Nassi Bëe, with Francoise de Vos, born 2.04.1881, daugther of Jan
Cornelis de Vos and Wilhelmina Valois.
The family got a daghter, Jeanne Bolten born 10.05.1905 on Nassi Bëe.
She died in 1989.
She was married 26.07.1926 with Simon M. Fisher, and later with v. Welsem and ?
The family got 3 children:
1. Francoise, born 12.05.1927, she was married with Jan Horsman.
2. Eduard Fisher, born 02.02.1929, he was married and the got 3 children.
3. Jeanne de Vos-van Welsem, born 02.07.1933.
She was married with Wilfred Rolf de Vos.
- Maria Christina, born 16.09.1879 and died 12.01.1884 in Haag.
- Henri, born 7.08.1881 and died 3.11.1881 in Haag.
- Henri (Han), born 28.06.1883 and died 8.01.1951 in Haag.
He had studying medicin in Leiden. Was working as psychiatrist at the clinic of his brother, and lateron
as independent psychiatrist.
He was married 20.06.1912 in Berlicum with peeress Jeanne Jossephine Susanne Maria Graafland,
born 28.06.1880 in Maastricht and daughter of young nobleman Joan Graafland and Suzanne Mols.
The family got 2 children.
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