The name Bolten
The name Bolten should came from the german word "Bolzen" as that means arrows. But also in old dutch was bolten = arrows, certified by a bill from 1640:
"twi bolten fur meine here Hertog van Brabant " = " two arrows for sir Hertog van Brabant"
The nam could also came from the name Bouten ou=ol.
Bout(s) van Rasmon had two stump arrows in their escutcheon.
The appearens of the name Bolte(n).
Gerardus Bolthe, 1248 town-councillor of Zutphen.
Everardus Bolte, chief cook in Geltre palads, 1396.
Jasper Bolten, town-councillor of Amsterdam.
Theodoor Bolten, royal vicar of Kong Willem III, and he was talking on his funeral at the Westminster Abbey in London.
Daniel Bolte, 16.07.1774 named in the will of Cornelis Rietveld.
Daniel Bolten, 10.05.1784 named in a proclamation of the citycouncil of Haag.
A counting of the telephone book of 1998 gave ....names.
The name Daniel is regular mentioned.
Baron von Bolten (the family don't exist longer).
In Copenhagen you will find at the Store Kongensgade a Hotel-Restaurant Bolten's:
Baron Boltensgaard!