Johan Peter Philbert
V. Johan Peter Philbert was born 27.09.1708 in Gronau in South-Hessen, Germany and he died
23.05.1761 in Frederikshøj.
Johan Peter is son of Nickel Philbert and Agnes Hess.
He was married 25.08.1733 in Gronau with Anna Marie Stöck, born 8.09.1716.
Johan Peter and family were amoung the first 37 german families who were immegrated to Denmark to
colonize Alheden.
They arrived 2.11.1759 in Fredericia with 9 children in aged from 23-4,
and like the other families the got a
winterhome in Fredericia.
Johan Peter was blacksmith. Early at the year 1760 the left Fredericia and arrived 26.02.1760 Alheden
where the were living in hasty builded mud hut until february 1761 as Johan Peter became copyholder on a
farm in Frederikshøj. Few months after his dead, his widow leaves the contry together with the most of
the children and probably returned to Germany, were she was living in 1775.
The children staying in Denmark:
- Johan Phillip VI is already named in 1763 as a copyholder in Frederikshøj, and seems to had taken
over his fathers farm. There were some children he took care of:
- Christoffer, born 1753. He was married with Magdalene Krigbaum.
- Johannes, born 1758. He was married with Barbara Rost.
- Anna Cathrine VII.
For the 2 sons it is stated that both were copyholder in Frederikhøj.