Opdateret d. 04.07.2023

The Bezemer Family tree and all connected families ©

The Bezemer escutcheon
An explanation about the Hook & Cooking Vessel

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It's here we will try to find the missing links, as birthday, dead and perhaps the parents of a relativ.

  In Dutch

The Bezemer family back to 1330:
Related families: Bolten, Folkers, Hauff, Otten, Stellingwerff,

The Bezemer and Bolten families are counting now 1186 persons in 444 families.

The Olesen family back to 1560:
Related families:Bärtel, Berdel, Bitsch, Philbert, Wendel-Risch and others.

  In Danish

The Olesen family is counting 310 persons in 111 families.

The persons who will link the different families are named, but without dates and all other descendante in live are named without dates.

Now also with a real genealogical tree, made in WinFamily and with links to the written personal webpages, for both families.

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